WalkingMelonsAAA on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/walkingmelonsaaa/art/Bubbled-Peridot-Steven-Universe-563081598WalkingMelonsAAA

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Bubbled - Peridot Steven Universe


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HAha sooooo! This is obviously in reference to the newest episode XD lol And so it's just kinda like depicting what it might have felt like if Steven never came to talk to her, and popping her out of that bubble :c The bubbles are like Gem prison, only they aren't exactly conscious, but yet they are at the same time like how Lapis was in the mirror who in that case was very conscious. And like... how AWFUL it must be to be trapped inside of an object or a bubble or something for like freaking thousands of years 8U so you have this picture with Peridot and a bunch of other gems in the background in bubbles wishing they could get out :c 

So This is my weekly painting for this week for my youtube channel. :D WOO!!!! I didn't really know what to draw but I had this picture pop into my head so I thought it would be fun to draw, plus just fun to draw mini Peridot anyways XD lolol This was actually a bit of a challenge for me in terms of blending colors, because Red/Pink and green may go well together, they don't exactly blend well together being complimentary colors lol, but I think I got it to work. lol or at least to my eyes :l lol This took me about 4 hours to do :> 

PLEASE SEE THE YOUTUBE  VIDEO OF THIS HERE!!!! 8D www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qDo-Y…

Peridot (c) Steven Universe, Rebecca Sugar, Cartoon Network. 
Crazy Laughing Peridot - Chat Icon Peridot Icon 2 Peridot Peridot~Durr... Peridot Emote 7 Peridot Icon 7 Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle *scuttles away* DIE DIE DIE DIE GIF Steven Universe - Flush! Peridot Icon 4 Peridot Hiding Icon Spinning Peri SU: Is That a Weapon? Peridot Icon - Free to Use Peridot Gettin' REAL Tired 'a Ya SHIET. is this a weapon? this is just the beginning 
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PG1224's avatar
I wanna huggle her!